BookItOut, Inc. Awards National Merit Scholarship
Jacksonville, Florida
Recognizes Lakewood, Co Scholar, Kicks Off #futures2bright Campaign
BookItOut, Inc., a leading software developer and information technology provider for the automotive industry, today announced that Andrea M. Gerdes of Lakewood High School in Lakewood, CO is the recipient of BookItOut's corporate-sponsored National Merit Scholarship for 2012. The National Merit Scholarship corporate awards are given annually to approximately 1,000 distinguished high school seniors across the country. Ms. Gerdes plans to attend the University of Denver in the fall and study business.
The National Merit BookItOut Scholarship awards its winner a generous 4-Year scholarship. The scholarship extends to young adults across America with a variety of career aspirations and college majors. 100% of proceeds from Premium Listings on (an automotive classifieds website) fund the scholarship, and BookItOut, Inc. also donates a portion of its annual earnings to the scholarship and other charitable causes.
"Innovation is a core principle at BookItOut. We are pleased to be a sponsor of the National Merit Scholarship program and to recognize some of America's finest youth as they become leaders of tomorrow," said Jonathan Hedy, Executive Vice President of BookItOut, Inc. "By supporting higher education and outstanding achievement among today's young scholars, BookItOut helps to ensure America's tomorrow, and the future of the world, rests in good hands. We appreciate the National Merit Scholarship Corporation helping us recognize and inspire young minds like Andrea's, while also creating lasting relationships that extend beyond college and into their professional lives."
Approximately 200 corporations and business organizations finance the corporate-sponsored National Merit Scholarship awards. Corporate sponsors provide National Merit Scholarships for Finalists who are children of their employees, who are residents of the communities the company serves, or who plan to pursue college majors or careers the sponsor wishes to encourage. National Merit Scholars are selected during a very competitive selection process from about 1.5 million students who participated in the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT). Semifinalists were then evaluated based on their written essays, extracurricular activities, leadership positions, and community involvement. Winners are judged to have the strongest combination of academic skills and achievement, extracurricular accomplishments, and potential for success in rigorous college studies.
BookItOut's #futures2bright campaign kicked-off earlier this month at a car show benefiting the Police Athletic League. Pictures of related promotions (where attendees wear sunglasses and other related apparel) can be found on Instagram using hash-tag "#futures2bright". Anyone wanting to receive free BookItOut swag & apparel simply has to post Why his/her future is too bright on BookItOut's Facebook page.
About BookItOut
BookItOut, Inc. is a leading information technology provider for the automotive industry, dealing exclusively with used car dealers, finance, and insurance companies. BookItOut developed a revolutionary, patent pending process that has set a new standard in vehicle valuations by analyzing data directly from dealerships nationwide. This allows BookItOut to provide a vehicle’s true-cost value drilled down to the user’s specific zip code. BookItOut vehicle values are derived not solely from auction sales but from 100% of market transaction types. BookItOut provides actual purchase, retail, and wholesale values from actual dealers, with adjustments for options, reconditioning costs, and mileage. BookItOut values update daily, and include a vehicle’s average days in inventory, average gross profit, and a vehicle history report. Users no longer have to choose between a national, regional, or state value; BookItOut values are specific to one’s zip code, and are accessible through any Internet-capable device, such as a computer or mobile phone. Whether behind a desk or in an auction lane, BookItOut helps users make informed business decisions quickly and easily. Please visit for a free trial and additional information.
BookItOut and Car Shopping Simplified are service marks of BookItOut, Inc. Any and all other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated. For more information, contact Jill Thompson at 888-246-9996 or email